For First Time Visitors
To those whom are considering for a fist time visit.
We have dedicated a video guidance to feel ease.
Safety and security
for all patients
Flow from reservation
to examination
Please make an appointment for your consultation.
We describe the flow of surgical treatment at our clinic.
However, please note that this may not be possible depending on the course and severity of the disease.
For First Time Visitors

- In order to prevent unnecessary congestion, our clinic is a complete reservation only system.
- First of all, please make an appointment for consultation by phone (or email form).
- It is possible to see a doctor without a referral letter.
- If you bring a letter of introduction, we can know the contents of the treatment so far. So that the medical treatment might proceed more smoothly.
- Depending on the disease, we may recommend prior MRI or CT scanning.
- We will introduce you to the medical institution, so please contact us.
- Please arrive on time for your first visit.
- It is not possible to tell you in advance how long your consultation will take. The necessary tests and required time will change depending on your disease and severity.
- Please allow plenty of time for your appointment. (It takes an average of 3 hours including blood tests)
- After visual acuity, intraocular pressure, binocular single field of view, Hess chart, etc. are examined. After these tests, we will be able to introduce you to the doctors.
- If you need surgery, we will schedule it.
- After deciding the schedule, we will take a blood sample and perform an electrocardiogram.
Flow after surgery

- After surgery, you may experience lightheadedness, nausea, and vomiting due to the effects of the anesthetic.
Also, the effects of the medicines may blur your vision or make it look dull.
It is often better on the next day. - In order to relieve postoperative pain and bruise, please be sure to apply cooling and compression firmly from the day of the surgery to the next day.
- Going home by train or bus is prohibited due to risk of falling.
Please arrange to be picked up by a taxi or your acquaintance car.
If you are far away (more than 30 minutes one way), we recommend staying at a nearby business hotels.
Flow of revisit

- At our hospital, we are working to reduce the number of postoperative examinations as much as possible.
In the case of local anesthesia, there is no medical examination on the day after the surgery. In the case of general anesthesia, there is a medical examination on the day after the operation, but we ask you to come to the hospital or use the video call function of your smartphone. - The first re-examination after surgery is mostly 1 to 2 weeks later. And your checkups end at the 3rd month, and in some cases at the 6th month.
The re-examination after surgery is usually only 2-3 times at our clinic.