Many of the patients who come to our clinic have had droopy eyelid surgery performed at other clinics and are concerned that the results were not as they had hoped.
First, we will make an accurate diagnosis to see if it can be cured.
If the doctor can't handle it, I'm ready to give up.” We often hear this from our patients.
We have many patients who have been told by other clinics that they cannot be cured, and we also have many patients who have had droopy eyelids surgery at other clinics and did not get the results they wanted.
On this page, we will evaluate these patients and explain how we can correct the problem.
Even for those who have been judged by other hospitals to be difficult to correct, most of the patients who have come to our clinic can be treated, so please contact us first for a consultation.
“Oculofacial Clinic Tokyo Style”: Correction of Failed Surgery!
Eyelid Correction Surgery Cases
1.Eyelid shape became strange
The patient came to our clinic for revision of an eyelid that had become misshapen after blepharoplasty (shortening of the levator muscle) at another clinic.
Before surgery
Although surgery was performed to shorten the muscles, the black eye was not fully exposed (cause #1).
Furthermore, the incision line and the heavy eyelid were too far apart, resulting in not a double eyelid, but a triple eyelid, which was a distorted shape (cause #2).
After surgery
Once again, the muscle is shortened (Solution #1), excess skin is removed (Solution #2), and a heavy eyelid is created. The triple eyelids were combined by excision of the skin between the two eyelids.
2.Unsatisfied with the shape of the eyelid
The patient came to our clinic because she was not satisfied with the shape of her eyelid after ptosis surgery (dermal incision) at another clinic and wanted to have it corrected.
Before surgery
The heavy eyelids created by the previous doctor are too high, resulting in excess skin laxity under them (cause #1). The laxity of the skin at the top of the eye also gives an unnatural impression. The black eyes are also not fully exposed, giving a sleepy impression (cause #2).
After surgery
The excess skin below the created double eyelid was removed (Solution #1), and the muscles were shortened to enlarge the black eye (Solution #2). This narrows the heavy eyelid and creates a natural double eyelid.
Before surgery
If the eyelid was originally a single lid and the created heavy eyelid is too high, this will result in laxity of the skin below the heavy eyelid and a thick double lid.
Because the natural heavy eyelid does not sag below the heavy eyelid, skin laxity despite the presence of a heavy eyelid can create an unnatural look.
After surgery
It is important to pin the skin below the double eyelid. In this patient’s case, we also shortened the muscles, increasing the exposure of the black eye and at the same time narrowing the too wide double eyelid to a natural degree, creating a beautiful eye.
3.Referred to our clinic for revision surgery.
Several years ago, she underwent ptosis surgery in one eye at another hospital. 1 year ago, she felt heaviness in both eyes, so she visited a nearby ophthalmologist, who referred her to our clinic for revision surgery.
Before surgery
The flaws from a previous blepharoplasty have resulted in a double eyelid, but because of the residual excess skin and the fact that it is made away from the original double line, it is now triple or quadruple (cause #1).
The black eye was also not fully exposed, resulting in a tendinous ptosis (cause #2).
After surgery
The triple or quadruple skin was removed (Solution #1), and the stretched muscle was shortened and sutured (Solution #2). The double eyelids are now firmly reconstructed. The size of the black eye is now normal and the double eyelid has been cleaned up.
4.Eyelids have difficulty opening.
The patient came to our clinic for revision of her eyelid because after a ptosis surgery at another clinic, sagging skin appeared and it became rather difficult to open the eyelid.
Before surgery
Although this is after ptosis surgery at another clinic, the skin has rather covered the eye and it is smaller than the original eye.
This was caused by shortening the muscles (shortening of the levator muscle) but not removing enough skin (cause #1) and not creating or attempting to create a heavy eyelid (cause #2).
After surgery
With the elimination of excess skin (Solution 1) and the creation of a heavy eyelid (Solution 2), the hidden black eye appeared, the distance between the eye and eyebrow was shortened, and the natural eyelid shape was restored.
Before surgery
The skin has become lax and covers the black eye. The previous surgical wound remains as a mere linear crease rather than a firm heavy eyelid.
After surgery
The lax skin below the site of the incision made by the previous doctor was removed and prepared, and the heavy eyelid was rebuilt. We were able to create a beautiful eye that fully exposes the black eye.
5.Unsatisfied with the shape of the eyelid
The patient came to our office for revision of her eyelid shape after a blepharoplasty (shortening of the levator muscle) at another hospital because she was not satisfied with the shape of her eyelid.
Before surgery
Because the heavy eyelid was not created (cause #1) and the skin laxity was not adequately treated (cause #2), the skin below the incision line has become lax and the skin covers the eyelashes.
After surgery
By excising the lax skin and tissue below the incision line (Solution #1) and then creating a firm heavy eyelid (Solution #2), the lax skin disappeared, the eyelashes were exposed, and a beautiful eyelid was created.
Before surgery
The skin below the incision line has become lax and the skin covers the eyelashes. The eyelashes inside the pupil are not exposed.
After surgery
After surgery, the skin laxity disappeared, the eyelashes were exposed, and a beautiful eyelid was created.
6.Came to our clinic because of distrust of doctors
“I came to the hospital hoping for a revision because I complained to my doctor that my eyes became droopy after blepharoplasty (shortening of the elevator muscle) at another clinic and he told me that I should do the same for the opposite, which made me distrust him.”
Before surgery
Because the muscles have been shortened too much in the previous surgery (cause #1), the white eye above the black eye is exposed and has a hanging look. It can be seen that the eyes have become glaring. The eyes are too high up, resulting in a double-layered look.
After surgery
The previous doctor’s incision wound was opened, the shortened muscle was removed, shifted in position, and fixed (Solution 1). The exposure of the upper whites of the eyes was improved and the heavy eyelids were widened, resulting in a significant improvement in the appearance of the eyes.
Before surgery
The muscles are too shortened and there is exposure of the upper whites of the eyes, resulting in a suspended eye condition. In this condition, not only does the eye look like it is staring at you, but also the eye will not close, and dry eyes will cause redness and pain.
After surgery
Refixing the muscles in their proper position can improve the appearance of the eyes and dry eyes. Comparison before and after the surgery shows an improvement in the redness of the whites of the eyes.
7.Refused by other hospitals, came to our clinic.
After blepharoplasty (shortening of the elevator muscle) at another clinic, the patient had open, hanging eyes.
He came to our clinic for correction after having been corrected at another clinic, and then at a different well-known clinic, but was finally refused, saying that he could no longer lower his eyelids, so he came to our clinic for correction.
Before surgery
The upper eyelids are too open due to over shortening of the muscles. The upper whites of the eyes are exposed, and even when he relaxes, his eyes are still wide open, so he squints as much as possible, but his eyes still look startled.
After surgery
Two other cosmetic surgery clinics had told me that further muscle lengthening was not possible, but by carefully removing the scar, I was able to lower the eyelid to its natural position.
8.Surgical suture of double burial treatment could not be removed.
“I had double eyelid surgery at another hospital several years ago and went to an ophthalmologist because my eyes were rhegmatogenous for a few days, but the threads could not be removed, so I was referred to see our clinic.”
Before surgery
The nylon threads used in the implantation method are exposed behind the eyelid, creating a scratch on the cornea. Not only that, but bacteria have entered the scratch, causing a corneal ulcer, and part of the cornea has become cloudy.
After surgery
Staining is stained because the epithelium in the area of the corneal ulcer is missing.
Before surgery
The cornea is scratched and even infected, resulting in a swollen eyelid and a droopy eyelid that will not open. The eyelid does not open as it should and the eyebrows are raised.
After surgery
Once the threads in the eyelids are removed, symptoms improve quickly. In this case, skin excision and muscle shortening were performed at the same time, and although it was only one week postoperatively, we were able to create beautiful eyes with well-defined eyelids.
Before surgery
Surgical suture is constantly scratching the eyeball, and the scratch is swollen and bloodshot.
After surgery
In such cases, removal of the threads is the only option. The symptoms improve as soon as the threads are surgically removed. One week after the surgery, the hyperemia is removed and the area is becoming clean.
Eyelid Droop Correction Surgery Summary
There is some reason for every failed surgery.
The way to avoid surgical failure is to learn from failed cases.
The only way to avoid failure is to experience many failures or to take on a patient after a failed surgery.
We have operated on many patients since we opened our clinic.
Our group has performed 5,017 eyelid retraction surgeries per year (from January to December 2023, out of a total of over 10,000 surgeries), including both insurance and private surgeries.
This includes many patients who could not be cured at other hospitals.
We will try to help you as much as possible.
Medical expenses
both eyes
Eyelid drooping surgery
Dr.kashima:1,210,000円 Dr.Yamana・Dr.Kikuchi, Dr.Kotaki:770,000円 Dr. Nishizumi, Dr. Suetake:550,000円 Doctors not listed above:330,000円
All prices above include tax.
In the case of an operation, the cost of the medical examination will be deducted from the surgical fee.
Side effects, risks, and precautions for ptosis treatment
The surgery is mainly performed under local anesthesia to check the shape of the eyelids during the surgery, but general anesthesia may be used depending on the situation, such as in children.
Sedatives may be used to reduce pain before surgery.
When surgery is performed under local anesthesia, the patient may experience severe pain. If the pain is painful, additional anesthetics or painkillers may be administered.
Patients who have undergone multiple surgeries tend to have more pain.
Although the surgery is performed to minimize the left-right difference as much as possible, it is not possible to achieve perfect symmetry. If there is a large difference between the left and right sides after the surgery, we may perform suture treatment again or reoperate.
The scars will gradually become less noticeable after the surgery, but scars may still be visible and keloids may occur.
If the wound is dissected after surgery, it must be sutured again.
Orbital cellulitis may occur due to infection.
Intraoperative sedation may cause hypotension, pulselessness, and respiratory depression.
Click here to consult a specialist
In Japan, there are few doctors and facilities specializing in oculoplastic surgery, and the amount of information on treatment is limited.
Therefore, I feel that in many cases, patients who have had the expression around their eyes changed due to illness or accidents often assume that their condition cannot be cured and give up on restoring their original condition.
Please do not give up. Please consult a specialist first.